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So we need to go to IKEA. Streetcar…

What do you do if you live in central London, rely on a bike and the bus to get around, but just once in a while want to go to places the railway won’t take you or where you just can’t carry all you need to purchase? Ikea is the […]


Get over the M4 coach crash paranoia

Death on the roads! Nightmare coach crash! Take double decker coaches out of service! Britain has been in the grip of coach crash paranoia over the last two days after a nasty accident on the M4 close to Heathrow [BBC]. Suggestions in the newspapers have ranged from compulsory seatbelts (sensible) […]


Trains, planes and the ethics of travel

There’s no other sensible way to get from London to Porto than to fly; I’m afraid I don’t have the time or the money to take the train via Paris and Madrid. But the economics of my trip to Porto are both interesting and quite scary. First of all, the […]


What is it about my visits to The Netherlands?

I’m jinxed. Whenever I travel to The Netherlands, things always go wrong. I’m sat writing this on the slowest train I’ve been on for quite a few years. It’s the small local service between Maastricht and Liège, via Visé. Somehow the points were wrong upon departure from Maastricht, so the […]


Motivation of London bus drivers

I’ve spent far too long this weekend on London buses, first of all on the torturously slow 341 bus route on the way back from Ikea in Edmonton, and then today on a variety of different routes, including route 171 of London General (pictured).