Süddeutsche Zeitung. Hamburger Morgenpost. Bild. Stern. T-Online. NDR. RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. Zeit. FAZ.

They all wrote yesterday about the “new” night train Hamburg-Stockholm that – according to all the stories – had its premiere yesterday.

The problem?

The train has been running since 1st September 2022. Nothing new happened yesterday at all! And RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland even reported the launch would be September 2022 – in April 2022! And Greta Thunberg even took it in January this year.

Basically when DPA – the source for all the stories linked above – gets it wrong, the error is repeated far and wide.


(Please note: featured image here is a generic Swedish night train picture – I can find no Creative Commons Licensed image of the Hamburg-Stockholm service)

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