European Union

Analysis, European Union, Germany, Switzerland

Revival of the Trans Europ Express (TEE) – these plans are going to need some new trains

Nostalgia is important in railways. Families and enthusiasts alike visit heritage railways, and railway companies across Europe try to motivate passengers to take trains today using symbolism of the past. And there is no symbolism stronger in cross-border rail in Europe than the Trans Europ Express (TEE), probably because more people alive […]

Analysis, European Union, Portugal

“Rail at the forefront of smart and sustainable mobility” – Council of the EU conclusions offer scope for night train investment

The Council of the European Union today adopted Council Conclusions on railways, entitled “Rail at the forefront of smart and sustainable mobility” – you can read the press story about this, quoting Portugal’s transport minister here. The full conclusions are here (PDF). As I see it these are the two […]

Analysis, European Union, France

French Ministry of the Ecological Transition report on night trains – focus on both French and international routes

The Ministère de la Transition écologique (Ministry of the Ecological Transition) in France has released a new report entitled ÉTUDE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DE NOUVELLES LIGNES DE TRAINS D’ÉQUILIBRE DU TERRITOIRE (TET) (STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TERRITORY BALANCE TRAIN LINES (TET)) – this assesses the way train connections in […]