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Zwei Männer stehen im Weg einer Brexit Deal zugunsten von Millionen von Menschen: ein Cognac-getränkt Clown und ein Aufgeblasenen Dandy

Seit Monaten sind die britischen Wähler und Politiker verspottet, verkleinert und, von EU-Chef Jean-Claude Juncker und Chief Verhandlungsführer Michel Barnier, missbraucht.

Zwei Männer stehen im Weg einer Brexit Deal zugunsten von Millionen von Menschen: ein Cognac-getränkt Clown und ein Aufgeblasenen Dandy.

Seit Monaten sind die britischen Wähler und Politiker verspottet, verkleinert und, von EU-Chef Jean-Claude Juncker und Chief Verhandlungsführer Michel Barnier, missbraucht.

 Seit Monaten sind die britischen Wähler und Politiker verspottet, verkleinert und, von EU-Chef Jean-Claude Juncker
Seit Monaten sind die britischen Wähler und Politiker verspottet, verkleinert und, von EU-Chef Jean-Claude Juncker

The Sun hatte angenommen, Brüssel würde Fachleute dazu verpflichten, die wichtigsten internationalen Verhandlungen seit Jahrzehnten zu bewältigen. Stattdessen sind diese Possenreisser verantwortlich.

Es ist skandalös, dass sie so viele Zukunfte in ihren Händen halten.

Was hoffen sie, mit ihren täglichen Stacheln, ihren giftigen Briefings, ihren Schweinkopf-Unnachgiebigkeit und exorbitanten Bargeldansprüchen zu erreichen? Wenn sie anderen Wähler zeigen wollen, wie schwer es ist, die EU zu verlassen, Sie nehmen den falschen Weg.

Wenn sie Großbritannien in das Umdenken von Brexit einschüchtern wollen, sind sie in la-la Land. Das Schiff segelte vor langer Zeit.

Herzen haben gehärtet. Mit jeder höhnisch Beleidigung wachsen Briten immer mehr sicher, dass wir die richtige Wahl getroffen haben – und dass die EU, nicht unsere Regierung, die Schuld sein wird, wenn Gespräche scheitern.

Im Vergleich zu Barnier ist Brexit Sekretär David Davis ein Modell der freundlich Flexibilität, Anstand und Professionalität.

 Im Vergleich zu Barnier ist Brexit Sekretär David Davis ein Modell der freundlich Flexibilität, Anstand und Professionalität
Im Vergleich zu Barnier ist Brexit Sekretär David Davis ein Modell der freundlich Flexibilität, Anstand und Professionalität

Ein harmonisches Abkommen sieht zunehmend unwahrscheinlich aus, wie die Uhr Ticks und Barnier und Juncker ihre zerstörerische Double-Act aufrechterhalten. Wir müssen uns vorbereiten, ohne einen Deal zu gehen. Aber das muss nicht passieren.

Es ist Zeit für die Erwachsenen, Angela Merkel und Emmanuel Macron, die Verhandlungsführer durch den Hals zu ergreifen und Sie zu stoppen verschwenden Zeit mit Punkt-Scoring. Das ist zu wichtig.

Bedeutende Firmen auf dem ganzen Kontinent-Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Siemens, Renault-sollte die Forderung Merkel und Macron genau das tun. Ein "No Deal" Brexit kann britische Firmen verletzen, aber es kostet Sie auch ein Vermögen.

Ihre Gewinne und die beträchtliche Anzahl von Arbeitsplätzen, die von ihnen abhängen, können in Brüssel nicht entschieden werden.

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    Klemens Graf avatar
    Avatar for Daniel Schmitt

    I see you fixed the translation. Great! There's still a glaring mistake, though. You write, "Die Sun hatte angenommen, Brüssel würde Fachleute für die Führung der wichtigsten Verhandlungen seit Jahrzehnten verpflichten. Stattdessen hat man die Verantwortung in die Hände dieser selbstdarstellerischen Narren gelegt.", i.e. "The Sun expected Brussels to recruit experts to lead what are the most important negotiations in decades. Instead, that responsibility was left in the hands of those narcissist fools." That makes it sound as if the narcissist fools were on the EU side. Surely that can't be what you meant to say?

    But, seriously, what did you expect? I truly love the UK, its culture, its history, its language, and so I am sad to see you detach yourselves further from the continent, but at the same time I fully respect that decision - it is yours alone to make. But to think that that decision would entitle you to dictate the terms of your relationship to the EU going forward is clearly delusional. You're just not relevant enough. No single EU country is relevant enough for that, not Germany, not France, not Estonia, not Malta, and so also not the UK. It's called democracy - you're 63 million out of 511 million EU citizens. You don't get to decide for them, just as they don't get to decide whether you leave or remain.

    Well. Good luck, I guess. And thanks for fixing the translation.

    Avatar for Matti Halli

    They fixed the translation issues.
    Now a native speaker has written this article.
    Who is German and is translating this nonsense correctly.
    It is more important what is written than how it is written. This is not worth writtenin correct languange terms.
    You won't find a lot of Germans (and other EU Europeans) who agree with your statements.

    This comment has been deleted

    Avatar for Andreas Sumerauer

    Wow, it looks like they have read the comment section and silently fixed the most obvious translation errors - Which makes most of the comments below look rather strange and even rude (including mine from earlier this day.) 

    Dear Sun, at least you could have added a note to make that clear instead of throwing all of the commenters under the bus.

    Avatar for A W

    Am I missing something here?  The whole Opinion is in German(?)

    Avatar for Karl Der Grosse

    No it isn't. It's in what the Sun thinks is German but what is in reality nearly unintelligible gibberish to anyone speaking that language.

    Avatar for Anne Stanton

    Oh God! Macron and Merkel must have completely forgotten about the car industry! Thanks so much for reminding them. (They don't speak English, obvisouly). I hope they will realise soon enough that we need you more than you need us. 1000 Dank!

    Avatar for John Hansen

    Try to Google "Key points in Juncker's 2017 annual EU address".

    This will tell you ever so clearly that the power in The EU will be concentrated - and now the member states will loose their independence.

    The above is very typical for Juncker who previously said

    "There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties".

    In ordinary English this means: "We want the full power and we do not want to listen to those idiots who think they will be heard".

    Avatar for Charles Dickens

    @John Hansen Could you please give a link to an actual source, instead of just pretending someone said this or that.

    I honestly tried to find such statements and didn't find anything about it.

     Yes he used BREXIT to have the remaining states to come closer together, but nowhere is any statement about 'removing any democratic choice'

     Please give any proof for your claims, otherwise they are just mombojumbo!

     Regarding your Junker quote: There is a comma at the end, not a dot. And it goes on like 

     , one cannot exit the euro without leaving the EU. 

     Which just means there is no cherrypicking. And so we are back at English behaviour.

     you are trying to spread manipulative misinformation.

    Avatar for John Hansen

    I can't post links here. Hence I have to ask you to Google

    "There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties"


    "Key points in Juncker's 2017 annual EU address"

    I'm BTW Danish :)

    Avatar for Catapa Martin

    The language reads like comedy and the articl'e content is wrong on most issues. Many Brexiteers don't seem to recognise that there are no winners from Brexit, but the EU Commission knows that it will make all 28 current member states and the EU alliance weaker and poorer. Leaving the EU was the UK's decision, cheered-up by 'The Sun', a paper that no sounds desperate on making their Brexit referendum arguments become true... They won't!

    Avatar for Jan van de Rieth

    Translation was done by Farage after five pints with a bit of help from Gove and Basil Fawlty.

    Either that or the Sun thinks all its readers are idiots.

    Avatar for Mrs Miggins

    1 - don't use Google translate

    2 - don't assume that none of your readers can read German, bit insulting to those of us who can!

    Avatar for Daniel Schmitt

    THE SUN SAYS "It is time for the adults, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, the negotiators through the throat to grab and you, Sir, to stop they are wasting time with point machen. That is too important."

    To which there can be only one coherent reply: "Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!" ... I mean, this is a joke, right? We're famously bad at understanding English humour over here in Germany, but this has to be a joke. It would be horrifyingly embarrassing otherwise, wouldn't it.

    Avatar for Klemens Graf

    @Daniel Schmitt Das ist kein Witz. 

    Das ist die Panik der Berxit-Beführworter jetzt wo sie sehen was sie angerichtet haben => denen geht der Arsch im Grundeis.

    Avatar for Newspaper Manipulation

    I remember when The Sun printed a french version calling Chirac a worm and distributed it on the Champs Elysees. I was in holiday and can remember the utter shame felt by other Brits away for a weekend break. Calm down on the hate speech you right wing, neo-nationalist do anything for money paper

    Avatar for Karl Der Grosse

    I can only assume this editorial was aimed at the average (monolingual) SUN reader to make them feel good about having stuck it to those Jerries and for the first time having been able to give them the real English (yes, not British) side of the story? Because if this was actually aimed at Germans or those with even a rudimentary understanding of the language it is a huge embarrassment rivalling in incompetence only the British Brexit negotiation team.

    Here's a hint, dear SUN: most Germans understand English just fine and those that don't can depend on an actually largely competent media translating for them. We're not laughing at your approach to Brexit because we don't understand the language but precisely because we do and we see it for the shambles it is.

    Avatar for Max Maxson

    German guy here: 1. Putting a text through Google Translate is not the same as translating it. It just makes it unreadable to everybody. 2. Yes, a hard brexit will do serious damage to the EU. But not remotely as serious as a future in which the EU can be easily blackmailed by any member state which threatens to leave the boat. So of course they won't give in. 3. I have the feeling that The Sun is already preparing some scapegoats for the time after the hard brexit, when the effects of brexit will hit the UK with full force and people show up at the Sun's headquarter with torches and forks.

    Avatar for Hermann Cherusker

    Newspapers are not dangerous and moronic per se as long as people won't buy and read them (Cigaretts are not dangerous to your health as well: Just don't buy or at least don't smoke them; it is so simple!). But as long people want to see female breasts, read about "scandals", killings and what football players are doing with their millions the game does not stop!

    Avatar for Kaffee-Sahne Schokolade

    It is a sad testament to the state of education in Britain when a large and leading newspaper is unable to translate the most simple phrases into correct German.

    The content of course warrants no comment.

    Avatar for Jimmy Cricket

    Nice! Language skills like an Angolan Spam Mailer.

    If this is not simply a marketing stunt aimed at your native readers (who don't speak german anyway, so why shouldn't you insult them with this horrible try out) and the text is really aimed at German people, they would laugh their a... off and see this as a perfect example of ignorant English (not Britain) post-empire ignorance.

    If anyone ever needed an example of the utter incompetence of the current Brexit campain, dear Sun readers, this is it!

    This is was a shot at your own kneecap.

    Or is Murdoch so broke that he can't afford a descent translator, i would have guessed the editorial board would have at least some language skill regarding the bigger neighbours

    Avatar for Hermann Cherusker

    They'll delete our comments anyway!

    Avatar for Hermann Blaschek

    @Hermann Cherusker  I wouldnt belive that! NOT in the "motherland of Democracy", not in the land of "Speakers Corner", not in the land of James Watt, (but in the land of NIGEL FARAGE and RUPERT MURDOCH???)

    Avatar for Matti Halli

    This level of journalism is even below The Sun. You had better write this in Scottish anyway...
    Leave the EU and take the consequences! The UK is not leading the negotiations; there are 27 other countries involved and they are much more busy with initiating development for the EU than repeatedly discuss the stupidity of the British government.

    Avatar for Hermann Cherusker

    They don't listen to comments. Theyonly want to sell their paper of course. They are business men! They watch their sale figures and write what's necessary to take these the highest point as possible!

    Avatar for Hermann Blaschek



    Where have all the flowers gone..

    Where is William Shakespeare gone...

    Where is Lord Byron gone....

    Where is Winston Churchill gone....

    Their grandchilds have lost any Kind of famous british ckeverness, Knowledge and pragmatism. The only Thing they can ist to hide behind the Union Jack....Poor People.

    I Think the Germans should send some CARE-Package to that sad hungry Island People in future?

    Avatar for Tiefen Stroemung


    blurting out incoherent comments

    in a language one does not master,
    without any bothering to try
    to understand you opposite number,

    being genuinely surprised by the result
    and then starting to lose one's nerves

    is precisely a way to sum up
    the present British Position
    in BREXIT negotiations.

    Come on, have another try,
    We will patiently await your next attempt.

    Avatar for Max Dalichow

    Dear Sun,
    you expect to be treated respectfully by the European Union yet you seem to believe that point should be made in a noisy insulting way. You published this article in "German" yet didn't think to look beyond Google translate to do so.
    This kind of attitude towards the EU and it's countries is the base on which your government also acts failing to see that the times of the Empire are over. The Sun, the Tories and UKIP maneuvered Britain into a very dangerous mess. And the only way to soften the blow would be heading for a Norwegian deal.
    Insulting EU negotiators because you can't have it your way is only going to convince everybody here that the negotiations will fail and you had it coming.
    You wanted to be out - fine be out. But please blame yourselves for the headaches!

    Avatar for Hermann Blaschek

    @Max Dalichow  yes you are right, the best solution for ALL would be the norwegian model:
    getting full Access to the single market, paying the necessary fee, accepting freedom of movement and most EU-rules...BUT NO SAY anymore

    WHAT A FUTURE...for the EU, hahaha

    Avatar for Hermann Cherusker

    Avanti dilettanti. They let that google automatically make! Therefore is it good. Man can understand a little. But it is natural to laugh. I have laughed there over when they it published on English. It will not better after they translated it on Deutsch. Does me doulor, love friends DER SONNE! 

    Avatar for Wurst Hans

    HAHAHA, how hilarious. Lets say, your german is not the yellow from the egg, but at least, you tried. So fast makes you that nobody after :D

    Avatar for Phil Gaster

    The knowledge about the German language shown in this translation reflects the understanding of the EU-UK negotiations.

    Avatar for Robert  Bino

    Hilarious, thank you! To excrete it in alike English: Die Sonne gives her mustard to the Brexit theatre and points her incredible command over the German language. That hits the barrel the floor out! There the dog gets mad in the pan!

    Avatar for Helge Jess

    Ein Kommentar auf Deutsch .............. 

    falls jemand auf der Insel der deutschen Sprache mächtig ist.

    Ein unglaublich dilettantischer Artikel !

    Die Sun hätte sich mal die Mühe machen sollen,

    Ihren Artikel einem des Deutschen mächtigen Kollegen zur Prüfung vorzulegen.

    Das kann ja jeder chinesische EBay-Verkäufer besser.

    Inhaltlich zeugt der Artikel von Realitätsverlust, Selbstüberschätzung und von Frust.

    Willkommen im "British Kingdom" des 18-ten Jahrhunderts.

    Ich glaube die "Brexiters" leben noch in dieser Scheinwelt der Vergangenheit.

    Avatar for Ann Elli

    haha THE SUN you made my day. This translation is hilarious, I laughed so much, my stomach hurts :D

    Avatar for Andreas Sumerauer

    Vielen Dank liebe Sun für diesen erhellenden Artikel! Die Brillianz der Gedankenführung wird in beeindruckender und nichtsdestoweniger überraschender, ja fast schockierender Weise unterstrichen und gestützt durch die beispiellose Eloquenz der Formulierung. Nach intensivem Studium dieses rethorischen Denkmals bin ich nun endlich restlos überzeugt, dass einige Leute komplett Ihren Verstand verloren haben.

    Avatar for Christoph  Neumeister

    What a stupid article. And the translation was obviously done by google and sucks. But it shows that the sun is loosing its nerves because the EU is not doing as they want them to do. But at the moment I only can see a divided UK and a unified EU. This is remarkably as the EU has not a record of being unified so easily.

      • Daniel Schmitt
        I see you fixed the translation. Great! There's still a glar
      • Matti Halli
        They fixed the translation issues.Now a native speaker has
      • Andreas Sumerauer
        Wow, it looks like they have read the comment section and si
      • Karl Der Grosse
        No it isn't. It's in what the Sun thinks is German but what
      • Hermann Blaschek
        @John Hansen @Klemens Graf @Daniel Schmitt  NO ONE is going
      • Andreas Sumerauer
        @A W I have no Idea what this is in but it's definitely not
      • A W
        Am I missing something here?  The whole Opinion is in Germa
      • Anne Stanton
        Oh God! Macron and Merkel must have completely forgotten abo
      • John Hansen
        I can't post links here. Hence I have to ask you to Google "
      • John Hansen
        @Hermann Blaschek Utter BS
      • Charles Dickens
        @John Hansen Could you please give a link to an actual sourc
      • John Hansen
        @Klemens Graf @Daniel Schmitt You should Google that article
      • John Hansen
        @Klemens Graf @Daniel Schmitt  The secret report that shows
      • John Hansen
        @Klemens Graf @Daniel Schmitt Die Deutschen haben Zwei Mahl
      • John Hansen
        Try to Google "Key points in Juncker's 2017 annual EU addres
      • Catapa Martin
        The language reads like comedy and the articl'e content is w
      • Jan van de Rieth
        Translation was done by Farage after five pints with a bit o
      New Comments
      Klemens Graf